This series will take you to new levels of understanding and faith and relationship with our Lord. At the time of the death of Lazarus, his sister told Jesus that if He had been there her brother would not have died. Jesus told her he would live again. She replied that at the end , at the time of the resurrection that she believed he would live again. Jesus replied “I AM THE RESSURRECTION”. When the other sister Mary came with the other Jewish people they were all weeping. Then it says Jesus was deeply troubled and wept. He did not weep because Lazarus died but because no one could believe or fully understand what He was going to provide for them through His death on the cross.

I believe that He still weeps today for those who still do not understand the magnitude of what He accomplished on the cross that stands forever and can not be changed.

RKN Teaching Videos
Regional Kingdom Network | The Absoluteness of the Cross Series

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